What is a smart lens?


Every person has a natural lens inside the eye and this lens is both transparent and flexible. In both near and far sight, viewed distance is focused as it changes shape due to the flexibility of this lens. In this way, we clearly see near and far. The natural lens in the eye first loses its elasticity with the advancing age and can no longer change shape or focus close objects when looking near. At a later age, it loses its transparency and cataracts occur. By replacing our deformed natural lens with an artificial lens called Smart Lens, it will be possible to focus far, intermediate distance and near.


Where is the procedure performed?


It is applied in our operating room which is in full compliance with quality standards.


What is the duration of procedure?


10-15 minutes in average


What is the type of anesthesia?


The eye is numbed with eye drops.


What is the duration of my hospital stay?


You will be discharged 1 hour after the procedure.


Is there an age limit?


"The procedure is suitable for patients over 40 years of age who have vision problems in near, far and both distance.


Smart Lens treatment can be applied to individuals who are younger than 35-40 years of age if the eye number is too high to be corrected by laser."


Who can have the smart lens procedure?


"Anyone who has vision problems in far, near or both can have this surgery if they carry the following conditions:


  • Not having a cataract surgery before
  • To have 40 years of age and over.
  • Not having an uncontrolled diabetes (if you are unaware of your condition, our doctor will perform the control during the examination.)
  • Not having a thyroid (goiter) disease
  • Not having eye pressure (if you are unaware of your condition, our doctor will perform the control during the examination.)
  • Having a laser surgery before
  • Not having another eye disease (uveitis, open or hidden strabismus, lazy eye, high astigmatism, corneal irregularity, etc.) "


How is my suitability for smart lens procedure determined?


Our doctor gives approval by making evaluations such as pachymetry measuring the thickness of the corneal layer, eye fundus examination and evaluating the presence of a different eye disease.


Is there a pre-op stage?


No, there is no need for a special preparation since anesthesia is not applied.


What is the recovery time after the operation?


You can return to your work life one day after the treatment and start your social activities.


Does the smart lens have a lifetime?


The lens can remain in our eyes until the end of our lives. For this reason, the term "for life" is used for smart lenses.


How much rest do I need?


You can return to your work life one day after the treatment and start your social activities.


When can I start driving?


You will start to see immediately when your bandage is removed one day after the treatment. So you can drive right after.


When can I do sports?


If you are interested in heavy sports (weight lifting, boxing, etc.), you should take a break for 1 month. Apart from this, you can start to do walking, jogging, etc. sports 1 day after the procedure.


Will there be controls?


You will have a control appointment 1 day after the operation. If seen necessary by your doctor, a second control appointment will be given within 1 month.