Facelifting with your specialists in Turkey

The natural aging processes of the skin and the underlying tissues do not stop at our face. When you look in the mirror you will discover one or the other wrinkle or here and there a little superfluous fat cushion. You are certainly wondering whether there are ways to give your face a youthful touch in a natural and gentle way.

Especially in the facial area, Turkish cosmetic surgeons proceed with particular sensitivity and well-founded knowledge, since on the one hand the incision should be as “invisible” as possible and on the other hand your face should not appear mask-like after the facelift.

Our team at Aesthetic Travel is in close contact with renowned Turkish specialists for face-lifting and will be happy to help you make new contacts. Just talk to us about it!

Facelifting: expert advice and your personal treatment concept

Before the facelift, the Turkish plastic surgeon will first discuss your personal ideas and present the aesthetic-plastic measures for their implementation. Here your experts assess the individual parts of the face: the forehead-eye region, the middle third of the face, the mouth region and the neck-chin region. The procedures are designed in such a way that the facial proportions are ultimately in harmony with each other again.

In addition, you will be thoroughly examined and your medical history documented. Your plastic surgeon will also talk to you about the individual aspects of the treatment. These include the possible risks and complications of the operation, alternative surgical techniques and the costs of the facelift in Turkey. We will inform you about this on our website in a separate place.

Professional face rejuvenation

Our cooperating cosmetic surgeons in Turkey develop individual, tailor-made facial rejuvenation concepts for you. They give your face a lasting natural youthful dynamic. The following structures can be remodelled during facelifting:

Deep nasolabial fold



Double chin

Cheek wrinkles

Sagging cervical skin


How do your Turkish cosmetic surgeons proceed with the facelift?

All facelift procedures are performed by Turkish cosmetic surgeons according to the most modern hygienic standards.

Carrying out the facelift

For the operative tightening and restoration of the facial areas, you will either be put into general anaesthesia or twilight sleep. As a rule, one day is scheduled in the clinic after the operation. During the operation, the facial skin is carefully tightened, excess fat is removed or, if necessary, missing fatty tissue is built up. This gives your face new contours and a naturally rejuvenated appearance. Age-related wrinkles or expression lines are successfully smoothed out.

Ideally, this operation can also be combined very well with other interventions. Nose and chin corrections can be perfectly combined with it. In this way, the aesthetic plastic surgeon smoothes the facial skin on the one hand and harmonizes your facial profile on the other.

Discreet, professional approach

Beauty concepts individually adapted to your needs and a discreet approach mean that “fine” changes to your face are perceived positively by your counterpart, but cannot be attributed to the operation, since the plastic surgeon knows his trade. After the facelift you can turn back the time a little bit: You will look several years younger with your perfectly lifted face. Enjoy it!

The Aesthetic Travel team will be glad to advise you on the possibilities of having a facelift carried out by competent specialists in Turkey. Please contact us!

You may also be interested in other topics of cosmetic surgery. Read on our website about breast augmentation or reduction, buttock lift and liposuction, for example.