Veneers – Beautiful teeth without grinding

Aesthetic defects such as chipped corners or edges of a tooth not only look ugly, they also often lead to dental problems. On the one hand, because here the attack surface for bacterial inflammation may be increased and on the other hand, because the probability that further corners could splinter, also increases. But also specific malformations in the frontal area of ​​the teeth, discoloration or so-called melting spots limit the personal aesthetics.

With the help of today’s Veneer technique, our dentists from Turkey, very gentle – and often without the grinding of teeth – change your appearance fundamentally positive! Just ask our Aestehtic Travel Team – we are happy to advise you!

The veneer – function & treatment process

Under a veneer is meant a thin shell (usually made of ceramic), which is permanently attached by your dentist on the teeth. They can be used both to beautify the teeth, as well as to complete the original dental stability.

Which types of veneers are differentiated?

In general, a distinction is made between a composite veneer and a ceramic veneer. In so-called direct veneering with composite, the tooth-colored plastic is applied directly to the tooth and then cured with a special lamp. In order to create an optimal hold, the tooth surfaces are previously slightly roughened. To give the veneer a natural shine, the composite veneer is coated with a special polish in the form of a post-treatment.

Plastic veneers are usually used in dental treatment of minor dental defects: that is, for example, when a tooth is slightly forward and can be “pushed forward” by applying multiple composite layers.

The second, and much more frequently used, veneering form, on the other hand, is the ceramic veneer. These are made of all-ceramic and are used for large dental defects, such as small corner and incisors. In addition, the ceramic veneer is often used for substance-saving shape corrections (which are often necessary for occlusion problems).

Treatment procedure – ceramic veneers

At the beginning of the veneer treatment with ceramics, together with your dental team in Turkey, a targeted plan will be developed and your teeth will be expertly prepared. Subsequently, detailed impressions are taken from your teeth and, if necessary, a temporary restoration is used. In a further step, the ceramic dental workpieces are precisely hand-made by a professional dental laboratory, so that the veneers will later optimally match your personal appearance. In other words, in addition to structure and shape, the color that appears most natural in your mouth is also chosen. Now the temporaries can be removed again and a first “fitting” of your individualized veneers takes place. Fit the veneers as they should, these are fixed in a final step by means of the so-called adhesion technique, a special adhesive technique, firmly on your teeth.

The overall holding time of ceramic veneers varies from patient to patient and is related to the personal hygiene of each individual. Those who care for their teeth well and properly, and take additional regular protective measures such as a professional tooth cleaning (PZR). And eat well-balanced, can keep their veneers up to 15 years and longer!

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